Criminal Justice Section
2021-2022 Section Report
What a year it has been for the Criminal Justice Section. The year began on lockdown but the section resumed its functions by sponsoring a combined law school outreach professionalism panel and diverse CLE curriculum at Texas A&M University, Thurgood Marshall School of Law, and Texas Tech University. Participants included Court of Criminal Appeals Judges Bert Richardson, David Newell, Kevin Yeary, Michelle Slaughter, and Jesse McClure III; Court of Appeals Justice Melissa Goodwin; district court Judges Lisa Michalk and Diane Navarrete; Presiding Judge of County Criminal Court 3 Audrey Moorehead; District Attorneys Philip Mack Furlow, Kenda Culpepper, and Brian Middleton; defense attorneys Rusty Hardin, Chip Lewis, Mark Snodgrass, Wendell Odom, and James McDermott; Professor Dwight McDonald; State Prosecuting Attorney Stacey Soule; Assistant State Prosecuting Attorneys Emily Johnson-Liu and John Messinger; Assistant Harris County District Attorney Andrew Fletcher; and defense attorney Mehr Singh. Looking ahead, the section is on the cusp of launching the new CJS website and the first installments of “Survival Guide”—CJS’s quick legal reference guides exclusively for members. The inaugural guides will cover common evidentiary issues and consequences for sexual offenses. Thank you to the members for working extremely hard to make it a successful year.
Phillip Mack Furlough